Package-level declarations


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enum Action : Enum<Action>

Defines an action the user or server owner needs to take if a setting is changed. Actions are sorted in priority by their ordinal (RESTART is the highest priority action and so on).

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annotation class AdminAccess(val perms: Array<String>, val fallback: Int = -1)

Paired with WithCustomPerms. Defines the permissions needed for "admin" access to the config.

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annotation class BlockArray(val itemsPerLine: Int = 1)

Java-field-friendly version of TomlBlockArray

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Marks the annotated config entry as modifiable by any player, not just Ops.

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annotation class Comment(val value: String)

Java field-friendly version of TomlComment

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@Target(allowedTargets = [AnnotationTarget.CLASS])
annotation class ConvertFrom(val fileName: String, val folder: String = "", val subfolder: String = "")

Provides the path to an old config file used before updating to FzzyConfig. FzzyConfig will attempt to read the file and scrape as much data as possible from it into the new config class and format (TOML).

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@Target(allowedTargets = [AnnotationTarget.CLASS])
annotation class IgnoreVisibility

A config marked with this annotation will attempt to ignore field visibility when de/serializing

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annotation class Inline

Java field-friendly version of TomlInline

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annotation class Integer(val base: TomlInteger.Base = TomlInteger.Base.Dec, val group: Int = 0)

Java field-friendly version of TomlInteger

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annotation class LiteralString

Java field-friendly version of TomlLiteralString

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annotation class MultilineString

Java field-friendly version of TomlMultilimeString

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annotation class NonSync

Excludes an element of a Config from synchronization.

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Properties fields marked with RequiresAction will prompt the user that changes will require a certain action as defined by the Action enum selected

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Properties or fields marked with RequiresRestart will prompt the user that changes will require a restart of the server/client

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@Target(allowedTargets = [AnnotationTarget.CLASS])
annotation class TomlHeaderComment(val text: String)

Adds a Comment to the Version key of a config file.

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annotation class Translation(val prefix: String, val negate: Boolean = false)

Defines a custom translation key prefix for the annotated members, or all members of the annotated class.

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@Target(allowedTargets = [AnnotationTarget.CLASS])
annotation class Version(val version: Int)

Defines the version of the config file.

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annotation class WithCustomPerms(val perms: Array<String>, val fallback: Int = -1)

Paired with AdminAccess Applies custom permission restrictions to a config setting. Overridden by ClientModifiable

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annotation class WithPerms(val opLevel: Int = 3)

Applies permission restrictions to a config setting.